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Parents please remember we will meet your dancer where they are in their skill development and social aspects. We recognize for many dancers this could be their first class ever, and for some it is their first dance class ever. For our brand new dancers, class structure often needs to be learned and can't be expected until it is learned.

Beginner Breakdown 
A Quick Guide to Ages, Genres, Sessions and Pricing


Class Ages

Classes are broken down by ages most developmentally appropriate for the genre. That is why you will sometimes see age differnces between various styles or genres. 
Click for Schedule By Age

Class Genres

Classes are then divided into various genres that represent a certain style of dance:

Tot Classes (Creative Movement, Leap and Learn etc)
Hip Hop
Musical Theater

Sessions Schedule 

We dance all year long! Classes are broken into sessions throughout the year to accomodate changing schedules. We like well rounded kids that can participate in more than one activity during the year and offer multiple program schedules for that reason:

Fall and Winter Programs

Discover Dance (non-performing)
6 Weeks Long
Full Season Recital Program (Sept. - March)
Half Season (Sept.-Dec. or Jan. - March)

Spring and Summer Programs
Spring Session (Typically April through early June)
3-4 Weeks Long
Summer Session 1 (Typrically mid June through August)
3-4 Weeks Long

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Further Details:

How Much Does

It Cost?

Classes costs vary by length of season and length of each class.

See more by clicking here 

Each genre has a specific attire, but nothing is ever required.

For more detailed attire descriptions click here

In general, we don't have a lot of rules, but if you would like to learn more, you can find the answers here!

Still Have Questions?
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