Registration for
January is Now Open!
Learn more about us here
or schedule a trial class here!
Just checking
us out?
1. Sign up for an account
2. Register your dancers
3. Select your trial classes
(Two for $2!)
1. Discover Dance
2. Recital Program
3. Competitive Program
4. Gymnastics Program
5. Ballroom Kids
6. Summer Dance & Camps
Our Programs
I am brand new to dance
and I have questions!
I am ready to sign up!
Be A Revel!

Tot Classes
(Ages 2-5)
We offer an array of tot classes for each personality type. Classes include traditional Pre-Ballet and Tap, along with Hip Hop and and Tumbling classes. Occasionally we offer Me and My Grown Up Classes for students not quite ready to dance by themselves. Join our mailing list or keep checking our schedule for updates!
Youth-Adult Classes (Ages 6 and up)
Youth classes include both full year and half year recital programs in addition to our spring and summer sessions. A variety of classes including Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical and Hip Hop are offered for both beginning and continuing students. Adult classes are occasionally offered throughout the year. Please check our schedules page for more details!
Competitive Classes
(All Ages Welcome)
Competition classes are based on participation and commitment. Dancers will travel to areas like Green Bay, Stevens Point, Milwaukee & Madison. Each dancer will particpate in a minimum of two competitions with the options to add on. Competitions are determined the beginning of each season. Auditions are typically held during the summer months. Please email reveldanceacademy@gmail.com
for additional information.
New to dance and not sure where to start? Try our beginner breakdown page for a quick guide to ages, genres, sessions and pricing!
Revel Dance Academy is a place where students come to be individuals. While receiving a quality dance education from an experienced instructor, students will find themselves in a place where their self expression is accepted and encouraged. Students don't have to be knowledgeable to take a class. Too often dancers pass up the chance to take a class fearing they don't know enough or will be judged. At Revel students will have a chance to feel comfortable in their environment and the speed they learn. When students feel confident about what they do they develop a passion for dance and that is where they shine. When they shine they can become dancers. Come join us and be a Revel.
It is a privilege to work with so many talented and gifted dancers as they find their way to their confidence! It is incredidble to observe when they find they can acheive something great all without having to sacrifice the many other hobbies and events they love to enjoy!
Dana Krueger - Owner and Artistic Director